From the laminated plywood to the complete furniture kits

After widening their range with different laminating technologies and panel types,Filippi Legnami, in collaboration with Giorgio Levoni srl, inaugurates the new depar-tment for cabinet making, while continuing the R&D of innovative materials: it is thecase of Vitter, which will dominate their booth at the Caravan Salon.

The ability of acompany tolook to thefuture in a positiveway can be seen bythe investmentsmade and by thesearch of new pro-ducts: it is whatFilippi Legnami isdoing, continuingtheir growth trendwith a truly surpri-sing dynamism.Those who have the chance to visit theirbooth at the Caravan Salon in Düsseldorf willnot only realize how wide the range of lami-nated products offered to the recreationalvehicle manufacturers is, yet will be able tohave a close look at their new product calledVittEr (see box at the side): significant chan-ges in the look and functionality of many sur-faces in the vans, caravans and motorhomeswould be introduced from the next seasons.But it is perhaps the birth of the interior car-pentry that attracts more attention, as it hascome unexpectedly and clearly shows thatFilippi Legnami & Giorgio Levoni are, nowmore than ever, able to operate in a comple-te and efficient way in the field of furniturefor recreational vehicles.